Finding answers beneath the surface.

Welcome to, a place to explore common skin problems and solutions with a focus on eczema. Many of us are suffering every day and grasping for answers and relief. The journey is never straightforward, but we’re in it together and power is knowledge. Let’s dive in.

Inspired by real life

My name is Betsy and this blog is inspired by my lifelong journey with eczema. Things reached a critical juncture in my mid-30s when intense flareups led me to seek emergency care. Determined to find answers, I sought information and treatment while pursuing lifestyle changes and advocating for my health. Eczema is a poorly understood health issue, and my hope is to shed light on my and others’ experiences so that we can suffer less and live more.

What causes eczema?

Eczema’s causes are complex and multifaceted, lacking a singular explanation. While genetics play a significant role, environmental factors, immune system dysregulation, and skin barrier dysfunction also contribute. Triggers like allergens, stress, and irritants further complicate the picture. Understanding eczema requires acknowledging its diverse origins and variable triggers.


Understanding eczema

Eczema types, eczema symptoms, eczema causes, eczema cures and treatments

Dermatologist recommended skin care products

Product reviews, skin care routines, prescription drugs for eczema

Eczema and food

Foods that reduce eczema symptoms, foods to avoid with eczema, eczema diet plans

Other eczema topics

Eczema and stress, eczema and Lyme disease, self care for eczema management, flareup prevention