What makes eczema flare up?

What makes eczema flare up - cover image for blog post

What Triggers Eczema Flare-Ups?

Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, can be a real itch to deal with. Understanding what triggers flare-ups is crucial in managing this skin condition. Here are some common culprits that can aggravate eczema and leave you scratching your head (and various other body parts):

1. Dry Skin: Think of your skin as a picky plant – it needs constant hydration to thrive. When it’s deprived of moisture, it can turn into an itchy, flaky mess. Dry skin is a major trigger for eczema flare-ups, so be sure to keep your skin well moisturized.

2. Irritants: Your skin can be quite sensitive, like that one friend who’s allergic to almost everything. Substances such as harsh soaps, detergents, and even some perfumes can set off an eczema uprising. Opt for gentle, fragrance-free products to keep your skin happy.

3. Stress: Ah, stress – the not-so-silent enemy. When you’re stressed, your body releases certain chemicals that can wreak havoc on your skin, triggering eczema flare-ups. Finding healthy ways to manage stress, like deep breathing or a relaxing hobby, can help keep your skin calm and collected.

4. Allergens: Your skin might throw a tantrum when it encounters allergens like pollen, pet dander, or dust mites. Keep an eye on potential allergens in your environment to minimize their impact on your skin.

5. Weather: Mother Nature isn’t always on our side. Extreme temperatures, high humidity, or even sweating can aggravate eczema. Layer up in cold weather and try to stay cool in the heat to keep your skin in its happy place.

6. Food: While not as common, certain foods like nuts, dairy, and eggs can be troublemakers for some people with eczema. Keep track of your diet and see if any specific foods trigger your flare-ups.

By being mindful of these common triggers, you can help keep your eczema under control and minimize those pesky flare-ups. Remember, a little TLC for your skin can go a long way!

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